In my last post I discussed the creation of a git helper called git-edit.
The subcommand is really helpful but in this short post I’m going to look at a slightly different way of adding new git functionality that is built on top of git-edit.
Problem outline
When working on a feature I often find myself writing code and thinking “this should really be in an earlier commit”.
There are many reasons for doing this:
It might logically makes more sense for some work to appear in a certain order
I might opt to move some work earlier and cut a shorter branch so other features can use code earlier
e.g. I might aim to get a few commits merged quickly whilst the rest of the feature is being fleshed out
I might want to add a “REMOVE ME” commit
If I need to add a temporary hack to allow some feature work I put it in an isolated commit as soon as possible.
Being in a different commit makes it really simple to delete the commit before pushing for code review
These are all good uses for git-edit.
A repeating usage pattern I see in my own work is that I will create the new work and then realise that I don’t want to target head, instead I want to target an earlier commit.
So to perform a git-edit I often need to stash my changes, then run git-edit followed by git stash pop.
Looking in my zsh history it appears that I do this a lot so it would be useful to automate it a bit.
git alias
For a simple chain of commands like this I don’t really need to make a separate executable script as I can just leverage git’s ability to add aliases.
With this alias added to my .gitconfig I can now run git apply-edit <some-sha> from my current position.
I like this flow and the fact that the pop will fail if the working directory can not be reproduced cleanly just reminds me that if I had just used a --fixup this would have been more painful and less immediate to resolve.
I’m a big fan of attempting to make my git history useful.
This often means reworking my commits so that work is done in a sensible order and in small logical units.
There are many ways to rework your history in git but one I’ve used a lot for the past year is the --fixup flag when committing.
This has often led to annoying problems, in this post I’ll look at:
The --fixup flag is a bit like the --amend flag except you can specify the commit you want to squash your work into rather than it just being squashed into the most recent commit.
When given the following history:
* 0230dcb (HEAD -> master) Add git-edit post
* 4564152 Add testing tips post
* 9051216 Add tying things together post
If I stage some changes and run git commit --amend then the last commit Add git-edit post will be rewritten to include my staged changes.
If instead I want my changes to go into a commit that is not the most recent then I can use the following command git commit --fixup 4564152.
In this example I would end up with the following
* a5f2563 (HEAD -> master) fixup! Add testing tips post
* 0230dcb Add git-edit post
* 4564152 Add testing tips post
* 9051216 Add tying things together post
Once I have this I can run git rebase --interactive 9051216 and accept the todo list to have git squash the new changes into the target commit.
Problems with --fixup
I love --fixup but it doesn’t quite do so well when you have heavy churn in your files (possibly a sign that the work could be reordered).
The issue you run into a lot is that when you make your changes to fix up a commit you are potentially looking at a source file that has been changed in multiple steps.
Any changes you make may only make sense in the current state of the file, this can lead to conflicts when targeting an earlier revision of the file.
A solution git-edit
We can avoid the issues above by:
rolling back our repo to the target commit
applying the changes we want
reapply the remaining commits
This is achievable by using our friend git rebase --interactive <commitish>.
Going back to our earlier example
* 0230dcb (HEAD -> master) Add git-edit post
* 4564152 Add testing tips post
* 9051216 Add tying things together post
If I want to make changes to the commit 4564152 then I can run git rebase --interactive 4564152~1 to be presented with a todo-list in an editor.
After saving this file I’ll be placed on the commit 4564152 where I can make my edits, add changes and finish up by calling git rebase --continue.
The above is fine but it’s a little manual so it would be nice if we could automate away some of these steps. Let’s see how we can do that.
Creating your own git commands
The first piece of the puzzle is creating a git command.
I’d like the command to work as if it was a git subcommand by typing git edit <commitish>.
This is actually not too difficult to do - add an executable command somewhere on your path with the name git-edit.
Now when I call git edit <commitish> git will invoke my script.
Let’s test it
> git edit aabbcc
The next challenge is how do I automate editing the todo list that you get when you call git edit?
Again git has a nice seam for us to work with - we can set the environment variable for GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR to our own command.
Our command will be invoked with one argument, the path to the todo-list file.
With this knowledge we can write a script that will:
read a todo-list file
update the correct todo-list item to be edit instead of pick
save the file
Let’s do this in ruby:
#!/usr/bin/env rubyifENV['GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR']!=__FILE__exec"GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='#{__FILE__}' git rebase --interactive #{ARGV.first}~1"endtodo_list=ARGV.firstlines=File.readlines(todo_list).lazy.take_while{|line|line!="\n"}.map{|line|line.gsub("fixup","pick")}.to_alines[0]=lines[0].gsub("pick","edit")File.write(todo_list,lines.join)
Lines 3-5 allow me to use a single script to handle editing the todo-list and creating my personal git edit subcommand
When I call git edit <commitish> the GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR will not be equal to this executable script’s name so it will execute
the interactive rebase command on line 4 and set the GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR to the current file
Lines 9-13 handle reading in the todo-list, stripping all comments from the file and replacing any fixup lines with pick
It’s important for my usage to leave the fixup lines in place until I choose to squash things later
Line 15 edits the line for the commit we passed to the original command to put it in edit mode
Line 17 finishes the process off by writing the todo-list back to disk
With all of this in place we can now run a git subcommand that automates the process of rewinding us back to a particular commit to allow us to make changes and then reapply all subsequent commits in order.
There’s a few handy things to take away here around adding your own scripts to git.
Knowing that it’s actually not too painful to add quite complex automation means that I’ll really pay attention more to manual tasks that I repeat and look at automating these tasks in future.
Our content is then marked with an eligibleMembership level:
To exhaustively test this function we need to write 9 test examples.
This is calculated by looking at the inputs to this function.
NB because this is a member function we also count the member variable membership.
User.membership - has 3 cases (free|basic|pro)
Content.eligibleMembership - has 3 cases (free|basic|pro)
3 cases x 3 cases = 9 test examples
Writing 9 separate tests is going to have a lot of duplication and quite frankly I struggle to name 1 test let alone 9 similar tests that vary only by input.
This is where I would use fixtures and some funky formatting to help readability.
The basic idea here is to loop over an array of tuples that contain the inputs for all of our examples.
In the body of the loop we do the usual arrange/act/assert dance for unit testing.
What I like about the above is:
It’s compact and all cases can be in one test.
Being in a tabular layout makes it easier to read.
I only have to name the test function once.
What’s bad:
Performing assertions in a loop makes it hard to see which case is failing.
Xcode will just highlight the XCTAssert* line, which is not going to help when we run multiple examples.
It takes a little practice and getting used to.
I think we can do better and solve the first point…
Use #line
To get better feed back #line is your friend.
It adds a little more boilerplate to each fixture but my goal for testing is to make it super easy to read the tests and figure out when things go wrong.
This is why I’m happy to use an odd tabular format and add a sprinkling of boilerplate.
Here’s the above example with #line added to show how it looks:
With these changes in place Xcode will now highlight the actual fixture that is failing.
Write Comments
Looping back to an earlier point - a goal when writing good tests is that they be easy to read and simple to debug.
That’s why it’s really important that you add comments when it makes sense.
I often find myself falling into the trap of trying to contort a test function name to reveal all intent but it often ends up in an unreadable mess.
A good comment for a test would explain why some set up is being done.
I also find that it’s sometimes really useful to add // Given, // When and // Then comments throughout a test to help delineate the different phases of the function.
Applying these suggestions to the above example might result in this change:
/// Membership levels are ordered `free < basic < pro`./// These tests run all permutations to ensure that a user can only/// view content that is less than or equal to their membership level.functestCanViewContent(){letfixtures:[(Bool,Membership,Membership,UInt)]=[// expected | userMembership | eligibleMembership | line(true,.free,.free,#line),(true,.basic,.free,#line),(true,.pro,.free,#line),(false,.free,.basic,#line),(true,.basic,.basic,#line),(true,.pro,.basic,#line),(false,.free,.pro,#line),(false,.basic,.pro,#line),(true,.pro,.pro,#line),]for(expected,userMembership,eligibleMembership,line)infixtures{// Givenletuser=User(membership:userMembership)letcontent=Content(eligibleMembership:eligibleMembership)// Whenletresult=user.canView(content:content)// ThenXCTAssertEqual(expected,result,line:line)}}
Add .make() Extensions
If you are writing a lot of tests and you have types that are awkward to create then you’d benefit from creating factory helpers.
It only has a couple of properties but it will already be a pain to create lots of users especially if for example we was writing tests that only cared about membership.
We can simplify things by creating an extensiononly within our test target that provides defaults for all values: