Test state restoration helper
20 Feb 2021I’ve noticed that a fairly common thing to do in unit tests, especially when isolation isn’t perfect, is to update a value during a test and restore it to its original value after. This is to avoid leaking state between tests.
Given some poorly isolated code a test case might look something like this:
final class AccountViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {
var initialUser: User?
override func setUp() {
initialUser = Current.user // Capture the current state
Current.user = .authenticatedUser // Set new state for the test
override func tearDown() {
Current.user = initialUser // Restore the original state after the test
func testLogoutButtonIsVisible() {
let accountViewController = AccountViewController()
// More tests
This is a lot of busy work and it’s easy to mess up. Thankfully we can add a small extension to handle the caching dance for us:
extension XCTestCase {
func testCaseSet<T: AnyObject, U>(_ newValue: U, for keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, U>, on subject: T) {
let intitial = subject[keyPath: keyPath]
subject[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue
addTeardownBlock {
subject[keyPath: keyPath] = intitial
Using the above snippet we can more succinctly state that we want to upate a value for the duration of the test and don’t need to worry about how to actually do it.
final class AccountViewControllerWithExtensionTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
testCaseSet(.authenticatedUser, for: \.user, on: Current)
func testLogoutButtonIsVisible() {
let accountViewController = AccountViewController()
// More tests
Side note
The original example is long winded and could be made more concise by using addTeardownBlock
, which would look like this
final class AccountViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
let initialUser = Current.user // Capture the current state
Current.user = .authenticatedUser // Set new state for the test
addTeardownBlock {
Current.user = initialUser // Restore the original state after the test
func testLogoutButtonIsVisible() {
let accountViewController = AccountViewController()
// More tests
Although this is definitely an improvement it still means the author has to know the pattern and not make a mistake. Having a higher level abstraction removes the chances of messing things up and hopefully reduces the burden on future readers of the code.