Simple Developer Happiness gains

Doing repetitive work over and over is always frustrating. Thankfully good developers automate the things they do or find other people who have done the hard work already.

You don’t have to be amazing at scripting to hack something together that can really make things easier. People often stray away from tech they are not used to but it’s worth just “giving things a go” to see how you get on.

Here’s a simple Ruby script that I use several times a day when working with my Xcode projects.

##The problem

I often start from or find myself on the command line using Git or navigating my projects. I also like to use CocoaPods to deal with project dependencies. This results in an annoying issue when opening Xcode, for projects that use CocoaPods you need to open the *.xcworkspace and for projects that don’t use CocoaPods you need to open *.xcodeproj. I also do not enjoy using the graphical File->Open….

##The solution

Make a little script to deal with the inconsistency and allow me to open projects quickly form the command line.


#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'shellwords'

proj = Dir['*.xcworkspace'].first
proj = Dir['*.xcodeproj'].first unless proj

if proj
  puts "Opening #{proj}"
  `open #{proj}`
  puts "No xcworkspace|xcproj file found"

The key to this script is that I don’t get bogged down with details of how to implement it perfectly. It does exactly what I need and should be easy to follow at a later date if I need to change anything.

##Further notes

The initial version of this script had a potential floor which was pointed out by my colleague Oliver Atkinson. In the first instance I didn’t use shellwords to escape the project name. This causes an issue if the name has a space in it, which had never affected me personally as I always camel case my project names, but it’s an edge case that will be hit often when sharing code with others.

The main take away from this learning is that I didn’t need to spend hours making the script perfect (and I’m sure it still isn’t) as it suited my requirements - as soon as the requirements change it’s time to fix it up and make it work.